Below are a few FAQ's, please feel free to get in touch for further information.
Frequently asked Questions.
If you are struggling for accommodation, please get in touch as we have some ideas that might help.
Calluna Self Catering Accom: https://www.fortwilliamholiday.co.uk/
Distant Hills B&B: https://www.distanthillsspeanbridge.co.uk/
Red Squirrel Campsite or Glen Nevis Campsite
You are responsible for getting yourself to the meeting point. If you don't have a car we can either help arrange a taxi or a liftshare.
All technical PPE is provided on summer courses, but you'll need to provide your own clothing and footwear.
Ice axe, crampons and B rated boots will need to be rented prior to a winter skills course. We recommend: Scottish Mountain Hire, Calluna Self Catering's kit hire or Ellis Brigham.
Experience and Ability.
If you have any questions regarding your experience, fitness or ability in the mountains, please don't hesitate to get in touch for a friendly non judgmental chat. We are here to help you achieve your goals and love aiding our clients in their pursuit of the outdoors!
Due to AALA regulations, we require all U18's to be accompanied by their parent or legal Guardian.